Saturday, December 6, 2008

Sounds good to me

I'm not a hundred percent sure I understand what the guy in this video clip is doing but it sounds good to me. It seems he is moving people into vacant homes that the banks are just sitting on, homes that other wise would become crack houses or just beat up over time. The reason i say i don't understand what he is doing is because I'm not sure if they are doing this legally or illegally. If its illegally i would think it would end up being more of a problem for the families he is moving into these homes. Either way I think its a real good thing to match these homeless families with these vacant homes with the plan of giving them housing while they get back on their feet. This should be adopted as a government program to help homeless families the same way they have helped corporate America. I understand you can't plug all homeless people in these homes but i definitely think their are hardworking families with children that have been hit hard by the current financial crisis that deserve a helping hand!

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