Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Anything can happen

This past Monday a military fighter jet crashed into a San Diego home killing a grandmother, mother and two infant children. The father was not in the home and found out when he arrived home from work. Its random disasters like this that make us aware that we don't have total control over our lives. Anything can happen and in this case anything did happen. I mean think of the chances of a Fighter jet crash landing on your home and killing your entire family in a matter of seconds! My heart goes out to the father who has decided to speak out and is still shocked in disbelief. This world we live in is mysterious in its ways. We feel we have control when the truth is we have little control. Life is truly special and most of us definitely take it for granted. We have to constantly remind ourselves that life is not a given and ours and that of those around us can be gone in an instant. We must acknowledge all that we have in this world and appreciate it.

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