Sunday, December 7, 2008

Need a good laugh

At times, life can seem pretty depressing, with worldwide economic instability, terrorism, wars, brewing global conflicts and just your run of the mill personal daily problems, it would seem hard to crack a smile. The term "Life's a bitch" seems to be a statement commonly used and sometimes people around the world seem to be getting more and more insane by the day. Depression and anger can literally kill a person while laughter and joy have been proven to add to your health and well being. So if this global information age is adding more negative thoughts and information into our already cluttered minds, its only fair that once in a while we use the matrix to find something to lighten things up and produce a chuckle or two. So if you find yourself in one of those moods you cant escape maybe the best therapy is to use this technological contraption we call the internet to find something humorous in the hopes of shifting our attitude.

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