Sunday, December 14, 2008

If the shoe fits wear it

Another one of those moments that you can't help to feel sorry for Lil' Bush. The poor guy goes on a surprise visit to Iraq and while doing a press conference, an Iraqi (at-least i think it was an Iraqi) journalist throws his shoes at him! Being that everyone knows Lil' Bush is out the door and most likely this will be the last press conference he will be doing in Iraq. I guess the journalist wanted to take the opportunity to let Bush know how he felt. You might be upset too, if you felt the guy in front of you was responsible for the destruction of your entire country and its people. You would be upset too if all of a sudden you had to worry about suicide bombers blowing themselves up at the mall, supermarket, courthouse, school, and anywhere else you might go or go with your family. You might be upset if you loss family members to a war that was suppose to uncover weapons of mass destruction and in the end in never does. You might also be upset if your streets are controlled and terrorized by armed bandits and extremist groups killing at will and lastly you might be upset if the guy you feel is responsible for all of this is about to walk away worry free from the sh@t storm he created. While you dodge bombs, bullets and poverty, he goes on a endless paid vacation to his new estate in Texas! The sad thing is if you look at this guy (Lil' Bush) he really doesn't seem like he means anyone harm. Truth is i don't think the guy had the brains to pull of this clusterf@ck. Lets face it, this guy was a tool, now who is holding the tool box is what we need to figure out.

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