Most people i know barely know about anything going on around the world and to their credit they have problems of their own. Most of them may not have enough time in the day to sit there and read or watch all the depressing events going on around the world. Many of them have children and most of them are still fairly young people, therefor they should care about what is going on around the world. We live in a world that is more interconnected and as much as our own economy is enough of a problem it is nothing compared to the water boiling around the world and you know what happens when boiling water is left unattended, it spills over! Many of us walk around oblivious to what's going on outside of our little world. We feel that most of that stuff going on thousands of miles away cannot effect us. No matter what your thoughts on 911 are, 911 showed us how easily we can be effected. I agree we can't plaque our minds with worldly problems that we cannot solve therefor complicating our own life more but you must stay informed. Stay informed and build your own independent opinion about what is going on in the world and how it can affect you. Understand that there are people getting rich keeping us ignorant.
Abortion and guns in 2024 spotlight
1 year ago