I know that across the United States today is a day of eating turkey, being with your family and giving thanks but lets not ignore the reality of this day we call Thanksgiving. I'm not trying to rain on anyones parade or be "non-patriotic" like I'm sure some right wingers would call me but there is a historic fact that most people don't know or don't think about. For most native americans Thanksgiving represents the beginning of the end for their people and their way of life. Thanksgiving is a sorrowful day full of death and persecution. I'm not telling you not to enjoy this day off from work, I'm not telling you not to enjoy your family and give thanks for the good things in life. All I'm saying is know the history behind this day and lets pay our respects to a great people that tended to this land before us and all they went through and sacrificed for this country to be here right now. I'm not going to sit here and tell you I'm the worlds foremost expert on history so by all means do some research on the origins of Thanksgiving and the story of our native people. I want to give credit to radio host Kay Slay for talking about this last night on his Siruis / Xm radio show.
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