Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Media Zombies

I'm here just scouring the internet for something smart and interesting to show you guys and I'm sure there is tons of stuff i can find but you have to sift through all the vlogs and crap people put up. Are people serious, do they really feel the need to video themselves doing absolutely nothing. The crazy part is that people watch it. So I'm trying to understand why people watch it. Is it because they are that bored and pathetic they need to feel better about themselves by looking at some geek talk about their life or some dork doing a video tutorial on how to do the Soulja Boy Superman dance. I guess even the fact i know what some of these videos contain must include me in the group of people that watch this stuff, but i honestly have watched a handful of these videos to see if there is anything there that's so damn entertaining. What a mind f@#$ to have millions of videos and blogs about absolutely nothing polluting our minds and distracting us from the real crap going on in the world. Its so sad that when you do hear about some real news in the world its just another footnote or link in your busy cyber infected world. We have grown to be a passive people amused by untalented retards who plague the world and are infecting us like 28 days later! The worst thing about it i might be one of them. Here is one video i stumbled on today while i was looking for some news worthy material, you know, something like the U.S. government announced a N.a.f.t.a. deal that will take place in 2012 in which they will seize control of 40% of the worlds water supply and make it available to their citizens at a reasonable price. 

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