This is a random thought I had wrote down many years back, figured I would post up for anyone to read and comment on. Why must we all be little pawns in this big game of chess? Why are some people great and others just worthless? Then again, what makes some great and others nothing? Everybody should have the ability to do great things, so why don't they? Are we lazy, stupid, slow, ignorant, or just plain selfish? What drove historically great people of the world to do the things they did, things that seemed to be no time for? What drove Martin Luther King Jr., Ghandi, Malcom X, George Washington, Julius Cesar, Napoleon, and other great people to accomplish what they did? Whether they did right or wrong, they did great things and created history while doing so. The average person is too tired to take out the garbage, while others run countries. While some endure persecution, others are afraid of getting poked by a needle at the doctors office. Why are some destined to be great and others not? Is destiny written? Or do we have to force our destiny? Can everyone have the ability to find an inner strength and go beyond what they normally feel are their boundaries? I'm sure we all wonder about these things and would like answers but the answers lie within accomplishing them and how can we do it if we feel we can't?
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