Don't make any plans on December 21st 2012 because according to the ancient Mayan calendar that will be the day the world as we know it comes to an end. According to many scholars the Mayan calendar has predicted many celestial and natural events therefor making the calendar an extremely credible guide in what points to the end of times. Apparently the Mayans aren't the only ones pointing at this time frame for our demise. According to many websites and even a History Channel documentary there are several prophets, psychics, shaman, ancient books and even modern day computer programs saying the same thing. So with all that evidence we might as well kiss our day job good bye! Shall we believe this, should we really believe that in just a few years its all going to be over. The one thing that made me always wonder about people screaming "The world is going to end" is that of course the world is going to end. When you die the world ends, at-least as far as your concerned. To be honest any one of our worlds can end at any time. I've written about it in previous blogs, but i guess what's terrifying about the entire world ending is that all our hopes, dreams and evolution would end in one shot. Our past, present and future would mean nothing if such a thing happened. The thought of a catastrophe not only killing us but our entire families does bring a chill down your spine. The thought of such a calamity discourages people to have families, go to school, go to work, and just simply move forward with hopes for the future. Before we completely buy into this notion of the world ending in 2012 lets think about the reality of it all. The truth is we should all be surprised the world hasn't been destroyed by now. Think about it, for several decades the world was in a stalemate known as the Cold War in which the two super powers of the world pointed thousands of nuclear weapons at each-other. So many of these weapons that we could destroy the world a hundred times over. I remember growing up under the impression that it was a matter of time before one of us either launched a preemptive strike or an accidental one. I would pray at night asking god to please have the missile land directly on top of my home while i was sleeping because i didn't want myself or my mother to die slowly of radiation if we weren't instantly killed by the blast. Back then i was sure the world was going to end in my life time. Then the cold war ended and i was sure we had dodged the worlds end. If you think of the state of the world now, things seem even more volatile. Think of all those nuclear weapons, think of all the countries that now have nuclear weapons and nuclear technology. Then think of all the unstable people in the world, think of those who are obsessed with the death of their enemies as well as their own death in which salvation is promised. I'm not just talking about Muslim's, trust me that there is enough religious extremism to go around. Wouldn't it be easy for one of these hundreds of thousands of weapons to be used. It seems more of a matter of time, a ticking time bomb. Let's get away from man made dangers, what about the millions of space objects just waiting to hit us. The earth has been hit many times in its time of existence, so give me one good reason why something isn't due to hit us soon or in our lifetime. To many people knowing all this information could cause anarchy, too little people knowing might just be ignorant of the human race. Could there be an elite conspiracy trying to keep this information to themselves while they figure out ways to save themselves. Or could that same elite conspiracy be to cloud our minds with notions of the end of the world, world terrorism, world disease, and everything else that keeps our attention away from the true conspiracy at hand. One thing I do know, when i was a child and i would tell my mom my worries about the end of the world. She would simply tell me that since she was a child people have been saying the world was about to end. This brings me back to the plain fact that the world can end today, tomorrow, in two weeks or in seventy years. Our world will certainly end, when this life as we know it ends, when your heart stops beating, which can happen at any time in any place.
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