Sunday, November 30, 2008

Africa still getting the shaft

I don't know about you, but to me, it always seems that news on Africa always seems to be put on the back burner. Either the news agencies don't care or the world community doesn't care until its to late. In the midst of the horrifying attacks in Mumbai equally violent murders are taking place in Africa. As i was scouring through the news of Mumbai I saw a short news story about violent clashes in Nigeria between Muslims and Christians killing hundreds of people. I figured since the world was ashamed of being so passive with Rwanda and Dar fur that the news on Nigeria would be everywhere and plentiful. You can find plenty of small news clips all over the Internet but i couldn't find not one video clip or in depth story on the crisis. It just seems crazy to me that everyone is up in arms about hundreds of people, mostly westerners, dieing in Mumbai but not much is being said about an equal amount of African deaths. Do we only care when Hollywood makes the movie starring Will smith and U2 does the benefit concert!

Read more on this:

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Terrorism isn't just for terrorists

Most of you should be aware of the brash terrorist attacks in India this past Wednesday and as I was watching news clips on the Mumbai attacks I came across a news clip of an armed robbery in my local area. The video shows several heavily armed, masked men storming a busy Dunkin' Donuts shop. After robbing the store and the customers, they randomly shot at the complacent group of customers who were all laid faced down on the floor. Just because these armed men weren't members of an extremest group there isn't much separating them from the guys raiding the city of Mumbai. I don't want to put the fear of god into people but you dont have to look far for terrorism to effect you and as the economy gets worse you better know that these kind of random violent crimes will be more common and will have nothing to do with ideology and everything to do with the economy.

Not so Thanksgiving

I know that across the United States today is a day of eating turkey, being with your family and giving thanks but lets not ignore the reality of this day we call Thanksgiving. I'm not trying to rain on anyones parade or be "non-patriotic" like I'm sure some right wingers would call me but there is a historic fact that most people don't know or don't think about. For most native americans Thanksgiving represents the beginning of the end for their people and their way of life. Thanksgiving is a sorrowful day full of death and persecution. I'm not telling you not to enjoy this day off from work, I'm not telling you not to enjoy your family and give thanks for the good things in life. All I'm saying is know the history behind this day and lets pay our respects to a great people that tended to this land before us and all they went through and sacrificed for this country to be here right now. I'm not going to sit here and tell you I'm the worlds foremost expert on history so by all means do some research on the origins of Thanksgiving and the story of our native people. I want to give credit to radio host Kay Slay for talking about this last night on his Siruis / Xm radio show.

Check these articles out:

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Pardon me

So Lil' Bush is doing what all Presidents do towards the end of their Presidency, which is pardon convicted criminals of their crimes. I'm sure there are some people that deserve to be pardoned, actually that might be a quarter of the minority prison population. Seriously is it fair that this guy pardon these people and not others. Its like the bail out, lets bail out this company and not that company. Why don't you bail out the average american by paying all our damn bills and allow us to start fresh. I bet that will stimulate our economy and make for a better and happier America (United States of America for those in Central and South America). If your going to pardon Robert Earl of conspiracy to distribute Marijuana you might as well pardon my boy Anthony Lopez who got caught with an ounce of cripy driving to South beach. Or my friend Eddie for having horrible memory therefor getting arrested for not paying 27 parking tickets and lastly my friend Steve who made a dumb mistake and trust me I really don't think he will do it again so lets just pardon him already cuz we all know the state appointed attorneys to give a damn. I guess the most unforgivable pardon is the one the U.S. government is giving George W. Bush for countless war crimes, breaking of treaties, and the total misuse and abuse of power! To read the list of people and their crimes that Lil' Bush is pardoning go to:

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Who's Cocking?

Apparently this entire church congregation is about to be, as well as Rick Sanchez and the anchor woman at CNN. "You know this, your Cuban" LOL WTF does that mean!!! LOL

Monday, November 24, 2008

Can We...?

This is a random thought I had wrote down many years back, figured I would post up for anyone to read and comment on. Why must we all be little pawns in this big game of chess? Why are some people great and others just worthless? Then again, what makes some great and others nothing? Everybody should have the ability to do great things, so why don't they? Are we lazy, stupid, slow, ignorant, or just plain selfish? What drove historically great people of the world to do the things they did, things that seemed to be no time for? What drove Martin Luther King Jr., Ghandi, Malcom X, George Washington, Julius Cesar, Napoleon, and other great people to accomplish what they did? Whether they did right or wrong, they did great things and created history while doing so. The average person is too tired to take out the garbage, while others run countries. While some endure persecution, others are afraid of getting poked by a needle at the doctors office. Why are some destined to be great and others not? Is destiny written? Or do we have to force our destiny? Can everyone have the ability to find an inner strength and go beyond what they normally feel are their boundaries? I'm sure we all wonder about these things and would like answers but the answers lie within accomplishing them and how can we do it if we feel we can't?

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Gang related

Today I was going to blog about street gangs, street violence and my thoughts on how it compares to government sponsored warfare and violence but then i came across this video. The video just changed my whole vibe, so I guess I will have to get back to you on those other thoughts. 

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Is it really that serious?

So i come across this story of this guy that commits suicide live on the internet. I'm pretty sure everyone has thought of suicide at-least once in their life but most of us come to our senses rather quickly. When you feel your life is that bad that you should take it, make sure you think about the people around the world who are really going through tough times and living day in and day out in the most retched of circumstances. Just know that no matter how bad your feeling or how bad your situation is, there is surely someone in the world suffering a hundred times worse. In the end your escaping and leaving the agony of your death to those you left behind. The crazy part of this story is that this dude blogged about it and killed himself live on web-cam with an audience. Couldn't one of these bloggers called the cops or told dude to chill out. We got cyber terrorism, cyber executions, cyber prostitution, sex offenders running rampant on the internet, identity theft made easy on the internet and now cyber suicides! I don't know about you but I'm not so sure the internet has been such a positive thing for mankind! 

Friday, November 21, 2008

Sympathy anyone?

Kind of makes you feel bad for the critter! lol

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Lost in translation

Just like i was explaining in my previous blog, its hard to find news worthy information with all the clutter of American Idol fan blogs and videos! So the second best way to get the word on the street is from the word on the street. Last night one of my friends brought up this whole Al Qaeda video business and how Al Qaeda had made a new video talking about the President Elect Barack Obama. Apparently in this video they attack Obama as basically an "Uncle Tom" working for the white devil. I'm definitely not a fan of Al Qaeda but how do we know that everything they are saying in those videos is being translated right? Truth be told, I had watched a Spanish language movie with subtitles and no lie the translations did not express the context or sometimes the exact words being used. The subtitles in this movie presented a whole different movie from the one i was understanding in the language it was made in. So this leads me to ask myself how often are we mislead by translations or more so by just believing what we are told. Maybe our governments don't have the power we perceive them to have, maybe all that talk of the new world order will come, or already has come, in the form of global media. I might sound like one of those conspiracy extremest and trust me i don't believe myself to be one, but at some point you have to wake up and feel the fire burning in front of you or your going to get burned. I might be just as passive as the next guy when it comes to all this mumbo jumbo but the difference between me and the next guy is, when the sh@# hits the fan, I wont be surprised! 

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Media Zombies

I'm here just scouring the internet for something smart and interesting to show you guys and I'm sure there is tons of stuff i can find but you have to sift through all the vlogs and crap people put up. Are people serious, do they really feel the need to video themselves doing absolutely nothing. The crazy part is that people watch it. So I'm trying to understand why people watch it. Is it because they are that bored and pathetic they need to feel better about themselves by looking at some geek talk about their life or some dork doing a video tutorial on how to do the Soulja Boy Superman dance. I guess even the fact i know what some of these videos contain must include me in the group of people that watch this stuff, but i honestly have watched a handful of these videos to see if there is anything there that's so damn entertaining. What a mind f@#$ to have millions of videos and blogs about absolutely nothing polluting our minds and distracting us from the real crap going on in the world. Its so sad that when you do hear about some real news in the world its just another footnote or link in your busy cyber infected world. We have grown to be a passive people amused by untalented retards who plague the world and are infecting us like 28 days later! The worst thing about it i might be one of them. Here is one video i stumbled on today while i was looking for some news worthy material, you know, something like the U.S. government announced a N.a.f.t.a. deal that will take place in 2012 in which they will seize control of 40% of the worlds water supply and make it available to their citizens at a reasonable price. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

In the beginning...

So here is my first attempt at blogging, well maybe not my first but definitely my first official attempt at doing a consistent blog. The whole deal is what do you write about, and what's the main focus of this blog. Should it be music, politics, popular culture, philosophy or non of the above. Why should i even attempt to write a blog and who the hell would care to read it! So i guess you can say this is a test, a test to see who gives a f@$%. If i get two people following my random thoughts then that's cool with me. If I'm writing to myself to fulfill some kind of psycho analytical need then that's just wonderful. On that note, i guess i will just cover random crap that i think is funny, depressing, outlandish, and compelling. So welcome to "Who's Crazy?" in which i will converse with myself (and hopefully some will read) about the who, what, when and why of things that are crazy to me. Not everything I consider crazy will be crazy to you. It can be something as mild as why is it so damn hot today to the more complex as to what came first the chicken or the egg. I might want to share a video of a cat farting on YouTube or Pres. Bush caught on tape confessing his conspiracy to undermine the entire nation while drinking a late' with Osama Bin Landen