I don't know about you, but to me, it always seems that news on Africa always seems to be put on the back burner. Either the news agencies don't care or the world community doesn't care until its to late. In the midst of the horrifying attacks in Mumbai equally violent murders are taking place in Africa. As i was scouring through the news of Mumbai I saw a short news story about violent clashes in Nigeria between Muslims and Christians killing hundreds of people. I figured since the world was ashamed of being so passive with Rwanda and Dar fur that the news on Nigeria would be everywhere and plentiful. You can find plenty of small news clips all over the Internet but i couldn't find not one video clip or in depth story on the crisis. It just seems crazy to me that everyone is up in arms about hundreds of people, mostly westerners, dieing in Mumbai but not much is being said about an equal amount of African deaths. Do we only care when Hollywood makes the movie starring Will smith and U2 does the benefit concert!
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