Tuesday, November 18, 2008

In the beginning...

So here is my first attempt at blogging, well maybe not my first but definitely my first official attempt at doing a consistent blog. The whole deal is what do you write about, and what's the main focus of this blog. Should it be music, politics, popular culture, philosophy or non of the above. Why should i even attempt to write a blog and who the hell would care to read it! So i guess you can say this is a test, a test to see who gives a f@$%. If i get two people following my random thoughts then that's cool with me. If I'm writing to myself to fulfill some kind of psycho analytical need then that's just wonderful. On that note, i guess i will just cover random crap that i think is funny, depressing, outlandish, and compelling. So welcome to "Who's Crazy?" in which i will converse with myself (and hopefully some will read) about the who, what, when and why of things that are crazy to me. Not everything I consider crazy will be crazy to you. It can be something as mild as why is it so damn hot today to the more complex as to what came first the chicken or the egg. I might want to share a video of a cat farting on YouTube or Pres. Bush caught on tape confessing his conspiracy to undermine the entire nation while drinking a late' with Osama Bin Landen

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