No matter what your political views are, no matter how cynical many of us may be, no matter how suspicious we may be, there is no doubting the historical significance of yesterdays inauguration. The United States of America has definitely turned a page in its history. I am one of the many that voted for Barrack Hussein Obama and can honestly say I feel proud that i am a part of the majority that did so. Watching the inauguration almost makes us feel like we actually have control over our countries destiny. I am a strong believer in the phrase together we stand, divided we fall. The only problem is that in this age of mass media and marketing, we may all be convinced to stand together for the wrong reasons or causes. for example, most of the country supported the invasion of Iraq due to a media blitz convincing us to do so. I truly believe that the purist form of patriotism is not weather you put on a uniform and blindly put yourself in harms way without asking questions but those that dare to ask the hard questions. Those that dare to pull down the curtain wherever it may stand. Those that try to hold our elected officials and military accountable for wrong doing. Those that seek transparency in a world shadowed by cloak and dagger style governing. Maybe some of us have vast imaginations and come up with the most bizarre and outrageous explanations for what is going on around us. On the other hand, maybe we follow the lead of history which unveils itself little by little always exposing more truth to never before known facts about the development of the world and its people. Let us keep in mind that our elected officials are pawns to be used at the disposal of large corporate entities. Many of these corporate entities are ran and owned by a small pocket of our society. Families that have earned their money going back to slavery, prohibition, drug trade, imperialism, and several unsavory ways. The only problem with that is that, that same pocket of society works closely with politicians incarcerating what they consider lower class citizens for attempting to do the same. Its a never ending hypocrisy that plagues our society. So in this environment of hope and change, let us not forget to keep asking the hard questions. Let us not forget that President Obama is another politician. We can only hope that he has the intention and the will to do more for the people then his predecessors.