Monday, December 29, 2008

You need to give a f@#k!

Most people i know barely know about anything going on around the world and to their credit they have problems of their own. Most of them may not have enough time in the day to sit there and read or watch all the depressing events going on around the world. Many of them have children and most of them are still fairly young people, therefor they should care about what is going on around the world. We live in a world that is more interconnected and as much as our own economy is enough of a problem it is nothing compared to the water boiling around the world and you know what happens when boiling water is left unattended, it spills over! Many of us walk around oblivious to what's going on outside of our little world. We feel that most of that stuff going on thousands of miles away cannot effect us. No matter what your thoughts on 911 are, 911 showed us how easily we can be effected. I agree we can't plaque our minds with worldly problems that we cannot solve therefor complicating our own life more but you must stay informed. Stay informed and build your own independent opinion about what is going on in the world and how it can affect you. Understand that there are people getting rich keeping us ignorant.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Ticking time bomb

Look to the person or persons to your right, now do the same to your left. Do any of those people look like they might murder you. Do any of those people look like a psychotic person about to have a homicidal meltdown. Well it seems that sometimes you can't tell who is capable of inflicting harm on you and your loved ones and in many cases the people that end up doing the most harm are those you know and even close relatives. As in the recent case of an estranged ex-husband who shows up at his ex-wife's family Christmas party and decides to execute people. You know that saying, keep your friends close and your enemies even closer. Just keep in mind your enemy could be thinking the same thing, worst part is you may not even know your their enemy!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Thursday, December 18, 2008

I think someone likes my blog!

These pictures speak for themselves. Your probably asking yourself, why would someone Tattoo their head with such a thing or with anything for that matter. It's simple, different strokes for different folks. I'm sure most people would disapprove of such bodily mutilation. This might not sit well for most peoples understanding of social norms. Well lets face it, most people walking around with the face of normality are secretly the opposite of that. For most people it might just be to much to handle seeing someone shedding their inhibitions and basically throw up the middle finger to the fake and hypocritical view of normality. Lets just face it, we all don't like the same things, if we did this would be a dull world! So in the words of Jesus Christ himself as told through the Bible "let he who is without sin, cast the first stone".

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sunday, December 14, 2008

If the shoe fits wear it

Another one of those moments that you can't help to feel sorry for Lil' Bush. The poor guy goes on a surprise visit to Iraq and while doing a press conference, an Iraqi (at-least i think it was an Iraqi) journalist throws his shoes at him! Being that everyone knows Lil' Bush is out the door and most likely this will be the last press conference he will be doing in Iraq. I guess the journalist wanted to take the opportunity to let Bush know how he felt. You might be upset too, if you felt the guy in front of you was responsible for the destruction of your entire country and its people. You would be upset too if all of a sudden you had to worry about suicide bombers blowing themselves up at the mall, supermarket, courthouse, school, and anywhere else you might go or go with your family. You might be upset if you loss family members to a war that was suppose to uncover weapons of mass destruction and in the end in never does. You might also be upset if your streets are controlled and terrorized by armed bandits and extremist groups killing at will and lastly you might be upset if the guy you feel is responsible for all of this is about to walk away worry free from the sh@t storm he created. While you dodge bombs, bullets and poverty, he goes on a endless paid vacation to his new estate in Texas! The sad thing is if you look at this guy (Lil' Bush) he really doesn't seem like he means anyone harm. Truth is i don't think the guy had the brains to pull of this clusterf@ck. Lets face it, this guy was a tool, now who is holding the tool box is what we need to figure out.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Will the fat lady sing?

Don't make any plans on December 21st 2012 because according to the ancient Mayan calendar that will be the day the world as we know it comes to an end. According to many scholars the Mayan calendar has predicted many celestial and natural events therefor making the calendar an extremely credible guide in what points to the end of times. Apparently the Mayans aren't the only ones pointing at this time frame for our demise. According to many websites and even a History Channel documentary there are several prophets, psychics, shaman, ancient books and even modern day computer programs saying the same thing. So with all that evidence we might as well kiss our day job good bye! Shall we believe this, should we really believe that in just a few years its all going to be over. The one thing that made me always wonder about people screaming "The world is going to end" is that of course the world is going to end. When you die the world ends, at-least as far as your concerned. To be honest any one of our worlds can end at any time. I've written about it in previous blogs, but i guess what's terrifying about the entire world ending is that all our hopes, dreams and evolution would end in one shot. Our past, present and future would mean nothing if such a thing happened. The thought of a catastrophe not only killing us but our entire families does bring a chill down your spine. The thought of such a calamity discourages people to have families, go to school, go to work, and just simply move forward with hopes for the future. Before we completely buy into this notion of the world ending in 2012 lets think about the reality of it all. The truth is we should all be surprised the world hasn't been destroyed by now. Think about it, for several decades the world was in a stalemate known as the Cold War in which the two super powers of the world pointed thousands of nuclear weapons at each-other. So many of these weapons that we could destroy the world a hundred times over. I remember growing up under the impression that it was a matter of time before one of us either launched a preemptive strike or an accidental one. I would pray at night asking god to please have the missile land directly on top of my home while i was sleeping because i didn't want myself or my mother to die slowly of radiation if we weren't instantly killed by the blast. Back then i was sure the world was going to end in my life time. Then the cold war ended and i was sure we had dodged the worlds end. If you think of the state of the world now, things seem even more volatile. Think of all those nuclear weapons, think of all the countries that now have nuclear weapons and nuclear technology. Then think of all the unstable people in the world, think of those who are obsessed with the death of their enemies as well as their own death in which salvation is promised. I'm not just talking about Muslim's, trust me that there is enough religious extremism to go around. Wouldn't it be easy for one of these hundreds of thousands of weapons to be used. It seems more of a matter of time, a ticking time bomb. Let's get away from man made dangers, what about the millions of space objects just waiting to hit us. The earth has been hit many times in its time of existence, so give me one good reason why something isn't due to hit us soon or in our lifetime. To many people knowing all this information could cause anarchy, too little people knowing might just be ignorant of the human race. Could there be an elite conspiracy trying to keep this information to themselves while they figure out ways to save themselves. Or could that same elite conspiracy be to cloud our minds with notions of the end of the world, world terrorism, world disease, and everything else that keeps our attention away from the true conspiracy at hand. One thing I do know, when i was a child and i would tell my mom my worries about the end of the world. She would simply tell me that since she was a child people have been saying the world was about to end. This brings me back to the plain fact that the world can end today, tomorrow, in two weeks or in seventy years. Our world will certainly end, when this life as we know it ends, when your heart stops beating, which can happen at any time in any place.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Nice Job!

So your walking into your favorite discount store and someone walks up to you and hands you a hundred dollars. You (A) look for the cameras and tell them to leave you alone, (B) tell them to f@#k off, your not in the mood for it, or (C) take that sh@t and wonder what drugs that person is on while buying useless crap you probably wouldn't of bought otherwise. Well, that's what happened at a busy store, where an unknown person or persons just randomly passed out hundred dollar bills to people going in and out the store. So FYI to all you well to do people out there, be a pal and get out there and start handing out some of your money too! If you really want to make an impact step it up and hand out a thousand dollars because we all know a hundred isn't what it use to be. So now that that's settled i will be waiting for you at Best Buy in Kendall at 8PM sharp!

Seriously kids are in serious need of some good parenting these days. When i was a kid, whenever my friends and I wanted to take a swim we would jump into a lake or break into a private pool in some condo community. Nowadays its all about skinny dipping at your jobs (KFC) industrial sink! What these retards were thinking is anyone's guess but next time you eat at KFC or any place for that matter just imagine someone washing their genitals in the same sink they wash the dishes and cooking utensils. To top it off these brainiacs document their whole bi-sexual sink swim and post it up on myspace. Good one!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Anything can happen

This past Monday a military fighter jet crashed into a San Diego home killing a grandmother, mother and two infant children. The father was not in the home and found out when he arrived home from work. Its random disasters like this that make us aware that we don't have total control over our lives. Anything can happen and in this case anything did happen. I mean think of the chances of a Fighter jet crash landing on your home and killing your entire family in a matter of seconds! My heart goes out to the father who has decided to speak out and is still shocked in disbelief. This world we live in is mysterious in its ways. We feel we have control when the truth is we have little control. Life is truly special and most of us definitely take it for granted. We have to constantly remind ourselves that life is not a given and ours and that of those around us can be gone in an instant. We must acknowledge all that we have in this world and appreciate it.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Interesting to say the least

Not much to say today, so I just wanted to share these two videos I came across. They're just two random videos i stumbled upon and thought were rather interesting.

That Explains It from Derek Doublin on Vimeo.

Good News! from Blake Whitman on Vimeo.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Smoking Gun

I must of missed the fact that the President Elect Barack Obama smoked cigarettes! Now i know all you cigarette smokers are saying what's the big deal but seriously with all this man has accomplished are you telling me he can't kick this habit. Honestly I think its a real big deal that he smokes cigarettes and I would go as far as saying its a matter of national security for him to quit! I'm sure you can tell I don't smoke and the truth is I want to slap just about everybody that lights a cigarette around me. Not to mention i know a couple people that picked up the nasty habit well into their late twenties, which baffles me! I think by now we all know how bad cigarettes are for your health and more so for those taking in the second hand smoke around you. So with all this president represents, he needs to get his s@#t together and put it down. I'm sure other presidents before him smoked but there is to much riding on this president and i think with so many serious and complex issues facing him, if he can't overcome cigarettes then Houston we have a problem. Not only should he do it for his own health, which matters when you're the leader of the "Free world", not only should he do it as to not expose his friends and family to the deadly second hand smoke, but he should do it to set an example. To show that nothing is to big nor to small to overcome. To make sure that no kid in this country grows up saying; Hey the president smokes, I want to try it too. Lastly I'm not so sure i feel comfortable you can fight the "evil" corporations when your hooked on one of their products!!!!!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Need a good laugh

At times, life can seem pretty depressing, with worldwide economic instability, terrorism, wars, brewing global conflicts and just your run of the mill personal daily problems, it would seem hard to crack a smile. The term "Life's a bitch" seems to be a statement commonly used and sometimes people around the world seem to be getting more and more insane by the day. Depression and anger can literally kill a person while laughter and joy have been proven to add to your health and well being. So if this global information age is adding more negative thoughts and information into our already cluttered minds, its only fair that once in a while we use the matrix to find something to lighten things up and produce a chuckle or two. So if you find yourself in one of those moods you cant escape maybe the best therapy is to use this technological contraption we call the internet to find something humorous in the hopes of shifting our attitude.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Sounds good to me

I'm not a hundred percent sure I understand what the guy in this video clip is doing but it sounds good to me. It seems he is moving people into vacant homes that the banks are just sitting on, homes that other wise would become crack houses or just beat up over time. The reason i say i don't understand what he is doing is because I'm not sure if they are doing this legally or illegally. If its illegally i would think it would end up being more of a problem for the families he is moving into these homes. Either way I think its a real good thing to match these homeless families with these vacant homes with the plan of giving them housing while they get back on their feet. This should be adopted as a government program to help homeless families the same way they have helped corporate America. I understand you can't plug all homeless people in these homes but i definitely think their are hardworking families with children that have been hit hard by the current financial crisis that deserve a helping hand!