Sunday, January 18, 2009

Watch this movie

Usually when i scan through HBO and some of the other movie channels I don't find anything new and worth watching. It's usually the same movies showing over and over. Between newer blockbusters from last summer and older classics. When there is something new its usually a low budget movie that didn't quite make it to the movie theaters and those movies tend to be really bad movies with plenty of B actors doing a half ass job. Well that wasn't the case today when I turned on the TV to watch something while I was having lunch. Well known actors in a movie you have never heard of has usually been an indicator of a bad movie but in the case of "In the Valley of Elah" that wasn't the case. The movie started off as the typical murder / mystery movie but ended up revealing a truly deep perspective on the effects of war and the realization that people come back from war but don't ever escape it. This especially touches home with me as I am the son of a war veteran and have had to endure the effect war has had on my father. The movie also touches upon the militaries lack of responsibility in dealing with this issue and its willingness to cover up anything that does not reflect well on the armed services. I'm not saying this movie wil win an Academy Award or anything but it has a deep message and is definitely worth watching. Our country has no problem training young people to kill and then sending them in harms way but for some reason it has a problem helping them after they have walked through the valley of death! I think its a movie that asks for a reality check!

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